Wednesday, October 13, 2010

No, I haven't fallen off the face of Earth.

Hey folks. I apologize deeply for the lack of posting. I've been working double time trying to unpack in our new house as well as manage a classroom. A lot of give and take lately.

Now for some business.
  1. Quarter 1 is complete. I have one grade left to enter tonight and it should substantially boost some grades. This is the lab report. Since it is the only grade that will be entered under "Projects" a good grade will go a long way. From what I have seen so far, none of you have much about which to worry.
  2. Some assignments were not visible despite numerous attempts to make them so. This made averages appear wonky (is that a word?). All should now be visible in INOW. I NOW would like to say something to the makers of THAT program, and no, it isn't nice. By the way, our admin has done a stellar job in keeping things up and running and none of the INow issues can be faulted to them.
  3. If a blank appears next to a grade in your grade report, that means the you are exempt from that assignment.
  4. Homework assignments will now be ascribed 5 and 10 point values depending on the length of the assignment.

I am loving this school and this job more by the day. Thanks to all of YOU who make it fun and exciting. Keep up the good work.

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